color plates!
Thus, a color chart (or color scale, color table) is a very practical matter, if you or a customer wants something in a certain color! Finally, navy blue for the one perhaps what is for the other midnight blue, and with such a color table can be prevented with the slightly-different monitor settings, of course, can change one or the other shade!
Here I have a few left there are many of these boards, I made sure that a color name is not only a combination.
http://html-color-codes . info / # HTML_Color_Picker
There are also COLOURlovers - a really great 'playing field' for all who love colors.
The image above in the article, I found there!
You can create color palettes, color patterns, and much more. The link points to a kind search engine for color can be specified by means of two sliders to the color range in which you want to have a color, and then the page will be searched. For customer contact may not be as suitable because it can take until you find the desired shade has, but there are an infinite number of colors to which you can then link. The color swatch for each color is also much larger as in the above links.