Saturday, November 20, 2010

Emu Boots With Stains

Jerusalem holy dwelling of the Most High

commemoration of Our Love Woman in Jerusalem ", it is on the calendar page to November 21. Used to be called this day the Virgin Mary and thought the depiction of Mary with her parents in the temple. To an ancient tradition, saw Mary before God came in strong in their lives , a virgin and maid at the temple in Jerusalem. The Bible tells us of it but nothing, and historically we know that there was in the Jerusalem Temple in contrast to pagan temples no temple virgins. Nevertheless, we must not see between Mary and the temple has a close link .

Maria was and is a temple of the Holy Spirit. In her heart, God has taken home. And so it is with all her human being to a Place of salvation, peace and blessings become.

of Our Lady in Jerusalem "- we see in Mary a sense the heavenly Jerusalem, the eternal foreshadowed and be able to guess so, what awaits us there: not a city of stone built, but a city that puts together solely from people - from people who are filled with love and grace. And that Jerusalem will be holy dwelling of the Most High, the place of eternal joy and everlasting gratitude.


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