Thursday, October 28, 2010

How Do I Block My Phone Number With Cogeco

Sel. Restituta Kafka: literate Christian

We all have our ideas about how to be Christians should and should live. Many believe that at the Christian Bravsein somehow to belong: above all do not stand out too much, so only put too much confidence in the day, just so no overly loud sounds. Today commemorates

the Church, especially the Church in Austria, a beatified nun who contradicted this picture complete: Sr. Restituta Kafka, who was killed in 1943 by the National Socialists. She was anything but a good, solid and quiet nun (made famous that her favorite meal was a stew with a beer is). Some of their contemporaries, they are not called Sister Restituta, but Sr. Resoluta.

It may be that their unconventional, confident and resolute appearance was related to their difficult job as a surgical nurse and the associated challenges. But more than her whole nature had to do with their deep roots in God. She was firmly convinced that if I to God's side stand, then I'm on the right side and then I must also say open and do what I am convinced. And that has worked Sr. Restituta in dark time, especially for the inalienable dignity. In great inner freedom, she represented the public opinion that this should no flesh should be denied, no matter what means the state ideology on the subject. This effort has cost her in the end life.

is remembered Sr. Restituta Kafka as a mature Christian in the best sense. What a role model!


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