Friday, October 15, 2010

How To Get Beard On Poptropica

St. Gerard Majella: "The Lord, He's to me!"

celebrates the Congregation of the Redemptorists today, the commemoration of one of their holy brethren, St. Gerard Majella.

came as St. Gerard Majella. Alphonsus Liguori from southern Italy, but was in contrast to Alfonso from more humble circumstances. He first learned the tailor's in 1749 and entered into the religious community. His mother, he left a note on which was written: "Vado a farmi santo" - "I'm leaving, to be holy!" For Gerhard knew how to be saints: with the explicit intention of Christ to be the best possible sort of thing. In the Order

Gerhard worked as a lay brother. He performed services at the gate in the kitchen, the garden and many other places. However, he also had a strong pastoral gifts. He was sought as a spiritual advisor and had his own lifetime the reputation of being a miracle worker. Like other great saints, he had the gift of the soul show and has helped other people on their personal path to holiness. Gerhard experienced supernatural visions, but also great spiritual darkness. However, he always remained calm and firm in his faith in God: "The He believes it is good to me, "he would say that we should also call to mind occasionally." The Lord, He's to me "


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