Friday, October 22, 2010

What Do You Need For A Piercing Apprenticeship

St. John Kapestran of: the inner burning for God

"St. John of Capistrano, professed priest, itinerant preacher is "on today's calendar page. For me, this is an annual commemoration day Saints particular, I know since my school days, that St. John of Capistrano, or John Kapestran, as we say, has preached in my home town Eggenburg. It was always fascinating for me to know that one of the great saints of the 15th Century has wrought in my home, albeit briefly, but effectively: St. John Kapestran entered Eggenburg as in many other cities as preacher on - and then did public penance. It was lit in the square a great fire, and in this fire were all vain things pass: fine clothes, expensive jewelry, luxury goods of all kinds Kapestran John must have been a fiery preacher. This but he could only be because he has burned myself too, namely internally: for God and for God's word. He was long a burning man over forty years on the European roads every day and tried to ignite people to God. How well we had responded to his preaching?


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